The Octagon was one of the first theatres in the country to have an education department. Working with young people is in our DNA and remains the Octagon’s primary commitment.
We believe that all young people should have the opportunity to see great theatre, to share brilliant creative experiences and to connect with industry artists and professionals.
We offer unique experiences for young people across primary, secondary and further education. From one day workshops, backstage tours, reduced rate tickets, to bespoke partnerships, there’s loads of ways to work with the Octagon.

School tickets
We offer unique experiences for young people across primary, secondary and further education. From one day workshops, Arts Awards and backstage tours to bespoke partnerships with schools, there’s loads of ways to work with the Octagon.
Half day workshop (up to 30 pupils) - £175
Full day workshop (up to 30 pupils) - £300
Backstage tours: £100 per class of 30 (£300 to include a Discover Arts Award for each pupil)
Interested in a workshop with your school/group? Fill in our enquiry form below and our team will get in touch.