News Story

Our current production, Testmatch, delves in to the roots and history of women's cricket as it explodes the mythology of fair play.

To find out more about the world of women’s cricket, Alex and Charley, two students recently with us on work experience, interviewed Shriya Pindoria.

Shriya plays for the Lancashire Women’s Under 18s cricket squad. She was recently part of Ramsbottom’s women’s cricket team who became the first all-female team to play in the prestigious Lancashire Cricket League.

How old were you when you started playing cricket?

I started playing when I was ten years old.

Were you interested in any other sports while you were growing up?

I did play a few other sports but it was cricket that I stuck with!

How often do you have to train?

I currently train around two or three times a week.

What’s your favourite thing about cricket?

I really enjoy working with other people and that atmosphere which that creates.

Do you get nervous when you play?

Not really, I’m excited more than nervous.

How did it feel to play in the Lancashire Cricket League for the first time?

It was exciting but also nerve-wracking at the same time because we didn’t really know what to expect. It’s quite a step up from playing all women’s teams to then playing against a men’s side. However, we won our first game against the men so that gave us a lot of confidence and a lot more belief in ourselves.

If you could change one thing about cricket, what would it be?

I’d like to see women’s cricket get more coverage, particularly county cricket.

Are there any misconceptions around cricket and women’s cricket that you’d like to change people’s opinions about?

Some people are quick to judge our abilities, they assume that we are not going to be very good but when they see us perform they are surprised. It would be nice to change those opinions that because we’re girls we’re automatically not going to be of a good standard.

What are your hopes for the future of women’s cricket?

I would love for the women’s game to grow and get more competitive by getting more girls and women playing cricket as very few cricket clubs have women’s teams currently. I also hope the women’s game becomes more publicised to encourage more girls to play.

Finally, are you coming to watch Testmatch?

I would love to!

Testmatch is running at the Octagon until Sat 1 June.

Book tickets - from £15