The entertainment seeker

From your answers, it looks like you can think of many ways to spend your precious free time, with the priority being on excitement and having fun with friends and family.

Performance is just one of the many ways you spend your free time and, when you do manage to fit in some arts activity, it tends to be for must-see events that feature well-known performers and are popular enough to cut through the clutter of your busy life.

If you’re looking for spectacular, entertaining events that offer a great night out for you and your friends, then take a look at the events below.

And you can kill two birds with the one stone at the Octagon, by combining a performance with dinner and drinks beforehand with friends in our Kitchen & Bar. Sounds like the perfect night out!

We look forward to entertaining you at the Octagon again soon.

Recommended events

  1. All or Nothing - The Musical

  2. Of Mice and Men

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  4. 5 Reasons to Watch Live Theatre This Festive Season

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    Black Ball 40th Anniversary

  6. Q+A with Lancashire Women’s Under 18s cricket squad player Shriya Pindoria

    31 May 2024